No Fake but fungible News

Tired of #FakeNews? Try fungible news instead!

Mint and trade the latest WorldTrends as NFTs on Ethereum

1601 TRENDY NFTS for 0.01 $ETH

A collection of 1601 NFTs will be released into the blockchain to begin the journey of NF Trendy. We are designers, innovators and builders with plans to give you the opportunity to own a part of history. We will help you to always remember great, historical, funny and interesting moments.


Whitelist minting: Monday 24.1.22 - 1pm UTC.

Public minting: Monday 24.1.22 - 1:30pm UTC.

Price per mint: 0.01 ETH

Some of our 1601 NFTS

Why NF Trendy now

Own a part of History and brag about it 😊

Create and Profit from your own NFT Collection ideas (Ideas2Earn).

Real World rewards for NFTrendy hodlers

Because in crypto you want to be an OG 😊

Contact NF Trendy

Join us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

Discord will be created once we have 1000 Followers on Twitter


What is a NFT?

blockchain to provide a digital signature of ownership, unable to be duplicated. Commonly used most with art using the Ethereum blockchain through marketplaces like OpenSea, where NF Trendy will be listed.

When mint?

Whitelist: Monday 24.1.22 - 1pm UTC / Public: 1:30 pm UTC

How much is a mint?

0.01 ETH

How many Whitelist spots

There are 50 whitelist spots

How many NFTs in the first collection?

As the News was released 16.1.2022, there will be 1601 NF Trendys released into the Blockchain

How to mint?

Use only our official website connect with your wallet ETH chain and Mint

WGFMI Degens!

--- Disclaimer ---

All characters on this page and on the related images as NFT's - even those based on real people - are entirely finctional!